Amine Stripping Pump Case Study
Vespel® CR-6100 with the PERF-Seal® design survived where metal parts failed
In case you missed it…
The October 2018 issue of Hydrocarbon Processing featured a case study of Vespel® CR-6100 with the PERF-Seal® design installed in a 2.7 MW amine stripping pump.
2-Stage, 2.7MW, 4500 RPM Amine Stripping Pump
Amine pumps upgraded for improved operations and reliability
An excerpt…
The amine circulation pumps are controlled to gradually ramp up to operating speed. During this ramp-up period, the pumps produce insufficient head to generate any flow into the gas absorber. Therefore, the pumps must run on a minimum flow bypass back to the suction header. This flow is controlled by a minimum flow line valve (MFLV), which should be opened before startup and then closed once full-speed operation of the pumps is established.
With a steam turbine driver, ramping up to 4,500 rpm requires approximately 15 min, which is far too long to run the pump at zero flow.
Periodically over the past 10 yr, the MFLV has been opened too late during the startup procedure, which has led to the pump seizing at the center bushing and non-drive-end (NDE) and drive-end (DE) throat bushings (FIG. 1). These components have the tightest clearance and are, therefore, the first metal-to-metal contact points inside the pump.
To read the full case study, visit the Boulden website:
If you have a pump running at low flow, or suffering from operational issues, running dry, or seizing contact Boulden today. We can provide all of the information you need to upgrade your pump and reduce your operational headaches. We have the material you need in stock and ready for immediate shipment almost anywhere in the world.
Helpful Links:
Boulden Installation Guide for Vespel® CR-6100
Standard Stock Sizes of Vespel® CR-6100
Vespel® CR-6100 Product Data Sheet
Vespel® CR-6100 Machining Guide
3MW Boiler Feed Pump Case Study